LIMITED OFFER ! 25.-/45min class by Certified French Trainer FIDE & DELF official exams


Format du cours
Cours particulier
Cours semi-privé
Cours collectif
Public cible


Certified FIDE & DELF French Trainer
10 years experience in Language Schools, international companies as Nestlé, General Mills, Philip Morris, Haut-Lac private school and many others.
All levels
On line classes by Skype
Tailored classes specially to fulfill your needs
Up-to-date pedagogical tools & all FIDE ressources available

All my students have been very happy of the classes, both with the friendly contact and with their results ! Of course your own investment will lead to quick results in your daily life.

VERY SPECIAL OFFER NOW ! : 30.-/h instead of 50.- for an intensive package of 10 classes


Certified FIDE & DELF French Trainer
10 years experience in Language Schools, international companies as Nestlé, General Mills, Philip Morris, Haut-Lac private school and many others.
All levels
On line classes by Skype
Tailored classes specially to fulfill your needs
Up-to-date pedagogical tools & all FIDE ressources available

NOW SPECIAL OFFER : 20 classes for 32.- per hour instead of 50.-.

100% of my students have succeeded !
For excellent results :
Call Marie !

Referrals :
Alexandra Török, Doctor
I am very happy to be a student here, my preparation for the B2 lever DELF exam was great! I passed my exam on the first try and returned afterwards to learn even more. Marie is an excellent French teacher, patient and kind. She is always prepared and ready to go the extra mile to help the preparations. Since day 1 my language skills started improving and they never stopped :) I am very-very grateful. I am also happy, because the overall experience is more than positive! She is super helpful, she is always ready to have a good conversation- of course in French- which provides extra possibilities for practice! Marie is there to help all the time, they are remarkable! I would a 100% recommend her to everyone!!!!
Claire Davidson, English Physiotherapist
My experience with Marie has only been positive. Marie is very professional and flexible. She always went the extra mile to ensure my lessons fitted around my busy work schedule.
Marie is a wonderful French teacher. Very patient and really easy to get along with. No question is a silly question with Marie and she really wants the best for all her students. Always happy to help, motivate and tailor lessons to meet your individual needs.

Lieux, Horaires et Tarifs

  • Collectif
  • Particulier

Lieux des cours privés

Par webcam


Séance d'essai gratuite
Tarifs sur demande
pour 45 minutes1
all levels
  • 1 VERY SPECIAL OFFER NOW ! : 32.-/h instead of 50.- for an intensive package of 20 classes


< 08h
08h - 10h
10h - 12h
12h - 14h
14h - 16h
16h - 18h
18h - 19h
19h - 20h
20h - 21h
21h >

Lieux des cours collectifs

Par webcam


Séance d'essai gratuite
Tarifs sur demande

Horaires & Dates

Horaires sur demande
LIMITED OFFER ! 25.-/45min class by Certified French Trainer FIDE & DELF official exams

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