Private piano lessons by diplomed and experienced teacher


Format du cours
Cours particulier
Cours semi-privé
Cours collectif
  • Débutant
  • Moyen
  • Avancé
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(dès 7 ans)


Christine Brawand Schmidt is a multi-faceted pianist and an experienced teacher of piano and music history.
She’s happy to make full use of all her diversified skills and talents of musician sharing her experience to young musicians. Trained also in Dolce Pedagogy, she delivers specialised classes (Dys-HP-Asperger).
She is playing four hands in a classical repertoire and in a cabaret show.
Beside her music career, she was elected assessor judge and sits on the juvenile court (Tribunal pénal des mineurs) in Geneva; she also delivers French classes (FLE) and Spanish(ELE) to adults.
Born in Geneva, speaking five languages, her wide interests have driven her to obtain five Masters of Arts: in Music Pedagogy: Instrumental Teaching with Elisabeth Athanassova and School Music both at the Conservatoire Supérieur de Musique de Genève; in Musical Performance: Concert with Peter Efler for the piano and Gérard Wyss for chamber Music at the Musik-Akademie in Basel; in Secondary Education at the Institut Universitaire de Formation des Enseignants; finally in Musicology with Pr. Brenno Boccadoro at the Faculty of Humanities, Geneva University.

Widely curious of all styles of music, she took lessons of modern jazz blues, salsa and bossa nova with Michel Bastet at the AMR school in Geneva from 1998 to 2006. Gifted for sight reading music scores - she won two prices during her studies - she very much enjoys accompanying either singers or chamber musicians. She also likes playing improvisation in various styles of music and performing in specific projects either as soloist or in a group.

Besides her piano career, she spent sixteen years teaching music history and musical practice in groups (jazz, blues, rock, pop, reggae, songs) in various Collèges (high schools) in Geneva. There, she created transdisciplinary shows with the music students; in this context, for ten years, she wrote pedagogical dossiers intended for the music teachers of the high schools.

Pour aller plus loin

Lieux, Horaires et Tarifs

  • Particulier

Lieux des cours privés

En école / chez l'enseignant
  • ch. des Crosettes,7
    1234 Vessy


pour 45 minutes1
Piano class for kids-ternagers
pour 45 minutes2
Piano classic for adults
pour 1 heure3
Piano class for kids-teenagers
pour 1 heure4
Piano class for adults
  • 1 Add CHF x.- first travel fees
  • 2 add-x for travel fees
  • 3 Add CHF x.- for travel fees to your home
  • 4 Add x.- for travel fees to your home


< 08h
08h - 10h
10h - 12h
12h - 14h
14h - 16h
16h - 18h
18h - 19h
19h - 20h
20h - 21h
21h >

A propos des Formateurs



  • Cours privés de piano: enfants dès 7 ans, jeunes, adultes. Classique, improvisation jazz, déchiffrage et solfège. Chez vous ou chez moi ! Préparation à l’examen de piano pour l'option DF -...
Private piano lessons by diplomed and experienced teacher

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École & Centre de formation

Le piano créatif

Le piano créatif