Improve your french by reading books/watching films


Format du cours
Cours particulier
Cours semi-privé
Cours collectif
  • Introduction
  • A1
  • A2
  • B1
  • B2
  • C1
  • C2
Public cible
Langue - ScolairePour étrangers (FLE)Langue - ConversationLangue - Préparation d'un DiplômeLangue - Business


Reading books in French is a good way to improve your french skills. Reading in french will allow you to learn new worlds in their own context and also to memorize the structure of the sentence that you will be able to use in our own French chat. Your teacher will choose with you a book which will suit your level and your taste. During the lesson, you will also discuss about the various topics of the story and work on the construction of sentences.
You will be able to discover famous stories of the french literature rewrite with a simplified terminology.
This method can be use with kids already familiar with some french above 8 years old to give them the taste of reading and discover new stories.
Watching french films is also a good way to improve your french understanding. The teacher will suggest a few french films to watch and the course will be focus on the various topics of the film and also it' will the time to learn the expression of the daily life and focus on different language register.
Informations supplémentaires

In this specific course, the teacher will share with you her enthusiasm with books and also films. It is a different way of improving your understanding of the written language and discover the french culture.

Pour aller plus loin

Lieux, Horaires et Tarifs

  • Collectif
  • Particulier

Lieux des cours privés

Par webcam (France)


Tarifs sur demande


< 08h
08h - 10h
10h - 12h
12h - 14h
14h - 16h
16h - 18h
18h - 19h
19h - 20h
20h - 21h
21h >

Lieux des cours collectifs

Par webcam (France)


Tarifs sur demande

Horaires & Dates

Horaires sur demande
Improve your french by reading books/watching films

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